School Bus Terms And Conditions

School Transport Terms and Conditions

It is essential that passengers behave in an appropriate manner whilst traveling on our services. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions and the Company reserves the right to refuse travel to any passenger who does not comply.

1. Payment Information

1.1 The fare is an annual sum not a daily or weekly fare and it must be paid in advance of travel.

1.2 The cost of the whole year’s travel quoted is at a discounted rate our full tariff is available at the foot of this document.

1.3 Payment by direct debit is for the whole year’s transport and not for month by month transport and as such any cancellation will mean that you become liable for the remainder of the full year (see Cancellation/Refunds)

1.4 Direct Debit instalments will be collected monthly, over an 11 month period, by GO CARDLESS on our behalf.

1.5 Please note a credit reference agency may be used to confirm your address and credit status.

1.6 You are asked to allow 4 weeks for processing your initial Direct Debit application.

1.7 Advanced notice will be given to you by GO CARDLESS prior to taking the first Direct Debit payment from your account (normally 10 working days). The advanced notice informs you of the amount, date and frequency of payment. Where there is any change, a new advanced notice will be issued.

1.8 The surcharge for failed Direct Debits is £10 which will be added to any outstanding balance.

1.9 Credit/Debit card payments can also be made via the ShuttleID portal.

2. Cancellations/Refunds

2.1 If you no longer require the boarding pass you must provide a minimum pre ½ term notice, this must be sent to us by email to otherwise we will continue to charge you. It is therefore important that you read the payment information.

2.2 The refunded amount will be calculated on the total annual non-discounted rate less the number of days used from the beginning of the year charged at £5.00 per day (not the discounted rate).

2.3 No refunds will be given in the last term of the school year unless the cancellation notice is received prior to the commencement of the term i.e. The Easter Holidays.

3. Boarding/Pass E-Ticket

3.1 Boarding passes/E-tickets will be sent direct to the parent via email after payment or direct debit has been set up.

3.2 Once your boarding pass has been received, your child can commence to use the service immediately.

3.3 Your child must only use the service allocated and must show the pass to the driver on every occasion or they may be refused access. NO TICKET - NO RIDE

3.4 Keane Travel Ltd reserves the right to withdraw the Boarding Pass/E-ticket if false information is supplied, or payment is not received by the due date. In the event of any misuse of the Boarding Pass or if the child/ children do not conform to the relevant school’s Code of Conduct for School Transport.

3.5 There is no allowance for non attendance, be it for sickness, holiday, school outing, work experience or exclusion from school.

3.6 There is no allowance for unplanned school closures if the school authorities close the school without prior notice to Keane Travel Ltd. Planned non pupil days have been accounted for by Keane Travel Ltd in reaching the annual fare price.

4. Bus Travel Etiquette

4.1 Students are expected to behave in a reasonable manner when travelling on the bus. They must not distract the attention of the driver. They must not throw objects around in or out of the bus. They must not distract drivers of other vehicles. They must not use abusive language.

4.2 In the event of continued disruption/misbehaviour, those responsible will be given a (STRIKE 1) verbal warning. Should the warning prove not to be sufficient, then a (STRIKE 2) written warning will be issued either by letter or email and sent directly to the parent/guardian and a 7 day ban will be applied. If this fails to resolve the issue then the child/children will be receive a (STRIKE 3) exclusion from the bus service permanently

4.3 Any damage to the bus caused by any student will result in the immediate exclusion from the bus service and action to recover the cost of repair of the damage, replacement bus hire and any other costs will be taken.

5. Service Information

5.1 The service will operate throughout the school academic year and will follow school time tables.

5.2 In the event of a bus failure, an alternative bus will be sought either from our fleet or from other local operators, whichever is available first. The journey will then be completed.

5.3 In the event of a bus failure or delay of any kind, you will be sent a notification via SMS text

6. Bus Fare Tariff last updated - July 2024

6.1 Annual Annual Ticket £799.80 per annum

Payable: £10.00 registration followed by 11 monthly payments of £71.80 = £799.80

6.2 Flexi Ticket £2.50 per trip

Payable: First purchase 20 trips £2.50 per trip = £50.00. Top ups can be for any amount of trips required. Unused trips at the end of any academic year will become VOID and will not be refundable. It is your responsibility to ensure you only purchase enough rides to the end of the academic year.

6.3 Discounts (annual/termly tickets only)

Second, third & fourth Child Annual Discount £110.00 via discount spread across the full academic year. Customers responsibility to advise the sales office in advance of ticket purchases

6.4 Buy your tickets at

Keane Travel Ltd

Unit 1 Criton Industrial Estate Stanford Road Orsett Essex RM16 3DH

01375 892211